2326, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.
「合計睡眠時間」は 6h39m で短い。「深い」は 41% でとても多い(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 6h39m is a short, "Deep" 41% is a very lot from an average by amount of activity meter equipment.
Wake-up, blood pressure
0659, 131/94-55, 131/95-55, 118/83-49
Blood pressure is a little hight. Rainy and little cold. Physical and spirits conditions are normal. Have a appetite.
0648, 朝食。ご飯 200g、納豆、チンした目玉焼き。えのき茸のみそ汁。たまねぎのマリネにオリーブ油。ヨーグルトにシナモンシュガー。730Kcal
BF. Rice 200g, Natto, Egg sunny-side up by microwave. Miso soup of Enoki dake (velvet shank). Marinated Onion with Olive oil and vinegar dressing. Yogurt and Cinnamon sugar. 730Kcal
1334, 昼食。チャーシューメン。一口餃子。1100Kcal くらい
Lunch. Cha siu men. Small Jiao-zi. 1100Kcal
1943, 夕食。ご飯 200g。えのき茸のみそ汁。冷奴。秋刀魚の煮物。サラダにオリーブ油のドレッシング。ナッツ、チョコレート。オレンジ。1050Kcal
Dinner. Rice 200g. Miso soup of Enoki dake (velvet shank). Cold tofu. Samma no nimono (Simmered brevoort). Salad with Olive oil dressing. Nuts, Chocolate. Orange. 1050Kcal
2012, 服用薬(安定剤)。Tranquilizer.
2220-2250, フットケア(機械). Foot care by machine with reading.
睡眠薬は摂らない。No hypnotic.
2321, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.
「合計睡眠時間」は 6h39m で短い。「深い」は 41% でとても多い(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 6h39m is a short, "Deep" 41% is a very lot from an average by amount of activity meter equipment.
Wake-up, blood pressure
0659, 131/94-55, 131/95-55, 118/83-49
Blood pressure is a little hight. Rainy and little cold. Physical and spirits conditions are normal. Have a appetite.
本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1365 Kcal。
本日の摂取カロリー:2880 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0Kcal)
Used calories 1365 Kcal (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories 2880 Kcal (Alcohol 0 Kcal 0cc).