Aug 12, 2014 Nibitashi of Qing geng cai, Spaghetti chickpeas, Yu dofu

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Aug 12, 2014 Nibitashi of Qing geng cai, Spaghetti chickpeas, Yu dofu

2650, sleep inducing medicine.
2700, go to bed. went to sleep well

Went to washroom at once on early morning.

0925, wake-up, blood pressure 123/85-41


1031, BF. Rice 100g (White and Brown rice each 50%). Miso soup of velvet shank. Nibitashi ( Simmered ) of Qing geng cai. 610Kcal

domestic job
cold water bath

1215, job
1223, take medicine for PTSD
1545, end job

1602, Lunch. Spaghetti chickpeas ( dried spaghetti weight 100g ). spinach, tomato, grated cheese. Yogurt and Nuts. Tabasco. 770Kcal

1625, job
2025, end job

140812dinner1.jpg 140812dinner2.jpg
2047, Dinner. Yu dofu (Boiled tofu, cotton 1 peace), soy sauce, relish welsh onion. Rice 200g (White and Brown rice each 50%). Miso soup of eggplant. Simmered brevoort. Marinated Onion. 900Kcal

2125, job
2340, end job

2350, take medicine for PTSD.

Hot shower. Today is very cool, like autumn.

No physical care, feel tired tonight.

2530, go to bed.

0925, blood pressure 123/85-41

Today's calories 2280 Kcal
alcohol 0cc
