Aug 16, 2014 Simmered brevoort by pressure cooker,
2612, sleep inducing medicine.
2640, go to bed.
went to sleep soon.
Gotup when past 1 hour for washroom
1050, wake-up, blood pressure 116/77-44
Today is holiday and not touch IT day.
Domestic job (easy and small)
1153, BF. Rice 100g (White and Brown rice each 50%), Natoo. Miso soup of velvet shank.
Simmered brevoort by pressure cooker (that fish borns were eatable). Marinated Onion with perilla oil and vinegar dressing. Yogurt and nuts. 750Kcal
1222, medicine for PTSD
Be excited to get going, but rainy heavy to much.
1709, Lunch. Spaghetti tomato sauce with eggplant (dried noodle 100g). Soup from simmering water. Salad of chickpeas. Tabasco, grated cheese. 850Kcal
1730-1830, daytime nap, I felt too sleepy.
2223, Dinner. Eda Mame (2 bowls). Maguro Yamakake, Wasabi, Syo yu (soy sauce). 500Kcal
2350, Medicine for PTSD
( physical care with reading book )
2452-2602, Foot care ( by machine).
2605-2635, leg straddled stretch.
Today is holiday but I feel impatience, I felt " try something" today. No schedule because take bath and take physical care. Today's noon, I had met not good things, it makes impatience, maybe.
2552, sleep inducing medicine.
2600, slept.
1050, blood pressure 116/77-44
Today's calories 2100 Kcal alcohol 0cc