Aug 8, 2014 Avocado with soy sauce and olive oil dressing, Grilled Horse mackerel with salt

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2613, sleep inducing medicine.
2705, hypnotic
2715, go to bed and went to sleep.

0928, wake-up, blood pressure 116/78-46

1058, BF, Rice 100g (White and Brown rice each 50%), natto. Miso soup of velvet shank. Egg sunny-side up. Avocado with soy sauce and olive oil dressing. Green algae. 850Kcal

Domestic jobs

cold water bath.

1245, job
1430, too sleepily, took siesta. stop jobs.

1630, job
2045, end job

140808dinner1.jpg 140808dinner2.jpg
2117, Dinner. Cold tofu (cotton tofu). Boiled escallops and raw spinach sarad with Perilla oil dressing. Rice 200g (White and Brown rice each 50%). Miso soup of velvet shank. Grilled Horse mackerel with salt. 900Kcal

2145, job
2315, end job

cold water bath

2348, take medicine for PTSD

Research dawdle over by iPad.
No physical care

2554, sleep inducing medicine.
2620, slept.

0948, 116/81-47

Today's calories 1750 Kcal
alcohol 0cc

