Sep 27, 2014 Mezasi dried sardine, Agebitasi of Eggplant (frying and then into sauce ), Macaroni tomato sauce with zucchini.

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2747, Go to bed.
Went to sleep at several min later.
Got up once and went wash room.

Forgot to change mode "sleep" to "active" when got up.
"Total sleeping hours" are 9h20m is log from average but actually time is short, "deep" 4% is very few from average but little bit lot maybe. but under 10%. by amount of activity meter equipment.

Holiday, not use IT goods day

1210, Wake-up, blood pressure 122/80-51, 120/81-51, 123/80-52
Blood pressure is normal.
Fine and cool day. Physical and spirits condition are, today is holiday but not feel excitement. No negative mind. Have a appetite.


1316, BF. Rice 100g (White rice 1/3, Brown rice 2/3), Natto. Miso soup of velvet shank. Marinated Onion and olive oil. Mezasi dried sardine. Yogurt and nuts. 550Kcal


Read physical stretch theoretics book.

1645-1605, Foot care ( by machine).
1610-1640, Leg straddled stretch.
I read tretch theoretics book and feel motivation. Then do it. after stretching, I feel sleepiness.

140927lunch1.jpg 140927lunch2.jpg
1821, Lunch. Simmered tofu and vegetables. Agebitasi of Eggplant (frying and then into sauce ). Rice 200g (White rice 1/3, Brown rice 2/3). Welsh onion soup. Fried Cucumber and Eggs. 980Kcal


Read other physical stretch book.
This is active type

2416, Dinner.
macaroni tomato sauce with zucchini (dried noodle 70g). Soup of remaining simmer spaghetti water. Grilled Salmon with soy sauce. Tabasco. 600Kcal

2436, Take medicine tabs for PTSD.

( Physical care )
2500, Active stretch
2525-2545, Foot care ( by machine).
2545-2615, Leg straddled stretch.
2nd time physical care. I read other active stretch book, then want to doit when just before sleep and no sleepiness. Leg straddled stretch is not better than afternoon.

2622, Hypnotic 1/2.

2635, Go to bed.


Forgot to change mode "sleep" to "active" when got up.
"Total sleeping hours" are 9h20m is log from average but actually time is short, "deep" 4% is very few from average but little bit lot maybe. but under 10%. by amount of activity meter equipment.

Holiday, not use IT goods day

1210, Wake-up, blood pressure 122/80-51, 120/81-51, 123/80-52
Blood pressure is normal.
Fine and cool day. Physical and spirits condition are, today is holiday but not feel excitement. No negative mind. Have a appetite.


