2628, Hypnotic 1/2.
2642, Go to bed.
Went to sleep soon.
Got up 3 times. went wash room at once and backed to sleep.
Got up by morning alarm, but backed to sleep again. Deep sleep on final time.
"Total sleeping hours are 6h34m is few, "deep" is 9% it is very few by amount of activity meter equipment.
0946, Wake-up, blood pressure 114/75-44, 122/82-49
Today's blood pressure is normal.
Low hart rate, it from body is still sleeping.
Cloudy, hot and humid.
Physical and spirits condition are normal.
Today is holiday.
1038, BF. Rice 100g (White and Brown rice each 50%), Natto. Miso soup of cabbage. Marinated Onion with perilla oil and vinegar dressing. Dried sardine ( Maru boshi, stay form dried ). Yogurt. 540Kcal
1123, Take medicine for PTSD.
Long time no fine day, Hung Futon up under the Sun.
Received eye grasses.
Buy some foods.
Domestic job
Feel too hot, take cold water bath.
1452, Lunch. Bananas. Yogurt and cinnamon sugar. 300Kcal
Planning time with read books and magazines.
1730-1800, Napping on couch. feel too sleepy.
1845-1915, walking about near home.
Feel too hot, take cold water bath again.
2000, Dinner. Rice 200g (White and Brown rice each 50%). Soup of wood ear and egg. Simmered gizzard by salt and pepper. Mapo tofu. Light pickles of cabbage. 780Kcal
2031, Take medicine for PTSD.
Feel too hot, take cold water bath again.
( Physical care with reading book )
2243-2300, Foot care ( by machine).
2300-2330, Leg straddled stretch.
Today, I did over time foot care by reading. Foot care is feel good. Then I did stretched, it is limited to straddled, because attach books between low back and backrest pole. It is very effective to stretch. I feel pain when after stretch and close both legs.
2339, Night supper. Yogurt with perilla oil. Orange 1/2. 180Kcal
2418, Hypnotic 1/2.
2444, Go to bed.
"Total sleeping hours are 6h34m is few, "deep" is 9% it is very few by amount of activity meter equipment.
0946, Wake-up, blood pressure 114/75-44, 122/82-49
Today's blood pressure is normal.
Low hart rate, it from body is still sleeping.
Cloudy, hot and humid.
Physical and spirits condition are normal.
Today's calories 1800 Kcal
Alcohol 0cc