Dec 27, 2014 Fried eggs. Char siu men. Kinoko (mushroom) udon with a raw egg.

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2347, Go to bed.

"Total sleeping time" is 7h14m is short, "Deep" 29% is a lot from average by amount of activity meter equipment.

0708, Wake-up, blood pressure 129/82-61, 121/83-57, 130/86-59
Blood pressure is a normal. Fine and Cold morning. Physical conditions is normal but have muscle ache at shins and pectoralis major muscle converging part. Spirits conditions is have a motivation, No negative feel. Have a appetite.
Today is holiday and not touch IT day but will touch iPhone a little for workout.

0728, BCAA 5g. 20Kcal

0837, BF. Rice 100g, Natto. Miso soup of Nameko (Nameko mushroom). Fried eggs. Marinated Onion with Perilla oil and vinegar dressing. Yogurt. Fruit. 650Kcal

1124, BCAA 5g. 20Kcal

1149-24m00s, Workout. Dead lift day. Heart rate average 99, Peak 130.

1316, Lunch. Char siu men( M ). 1200Kcal くらい

1600-1640, Nap with a cat on sofa.

141227dinner1.jpg 141227dinner2.jpg
2017, Dinner. Pickles of hakusai (Napa Cabbage). Hot tofu. Dried Atka mackerel. Kinoko (mushroom) udon with a raw egg. Shichimi (Nanami) capsicum and Pepper. 870Kcal

2043, Take medicine tabs for PTSD.
Take very hot bath.
2320, Hypnotic.
2334, Go to bed.


"Total sleeping time" is 7h14m is short, "Deep" 29% is a lot from average by amount of activity meter equipment.

0708, Wake-up, blood pressure 129/82-61, 121/83-57, 130/86-59
Blood pressure is a normal. Fine and Cold morning. Physical conditions is normal but have muscle ache at shins and pectoralis major muscle converging part. Spirits conditions is have a motivation, No negative feel. Have a appetite.
Today is holiday and not touch IT day but will touch iPhone a little for workout.

Today's calories 2760 Kcal

Alcohol 0cc

