March 19, 2015 Loco moco barger. Tofu syouga ankake. Mikan.

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No hypnotic 睡眠薬は摂らない
2256, Go to bed この頃床に入る。

"Total sleeping time" is 9h19m is a very long, "Deep" 32% is a lot from average by amount of activity meter equipment.
「合計睡眠時間」は 9h19m で大分長い。深いは 32% で多い(活動量計による)。

0843, Wake-up, blood pressure 125/82-55, 129/91-61, 121/83-58
 Today is holiday, Not touch IT goods day.
 今日は休み。IT 機器を触らない日。

1132, BF. Loco moco barger. Cocacola M. Fried potate M. 1189Kcal

1345-1440, Foot care with reading フットケア(読書しながら)
1545-1645, Leg straddled stretch with reading. 開脚ストレッチ(読書しながら)

150319dinner1.jpg 150319dinner2.jpg
1848, Dinner. Hoya-su. Tofu syouga ankake ( Hot tofu with ginger sauce). Rice 200g. Miso soup of Buna shimeji (Brown beech mushroom). Cabbage stir-frying. Kama-boko (fish minced and steamed). Hijiki. 920Kcal
夕食。海鞘酢。豆腐の生姜あんかけ。ご飯 200g。ブナしめじのみそ汁。キャベツの炒め物。蒲鉾。ヒジキ。920Kcal

1955, Tranquilizer. 服用薬(安定剤)。

2038, Yashoku Night supper. Mikan. Chocolates. Hot milk ( 2 cups). 470Kcal

2150-2240, Foot care with reading by machine. 本を読みながらフットケア(機械)
2203, Hypnotic. 睡眠薬。
2312, Go to bed. この頃床に入る。


"Total sleeping time" is 9h19m is a very long, "Deep" 32% is a lot from average by amount of activity meter equipment.
「合計睡眠時間」は 9h19m で大分長い。深いは 32% で多い(活動量計による)。

0843, Wake-up, blood pressure 125/82-55, 129/91-61, 121/83-58
 Today is holiday, Not touch IT goods day.
 今日は休み。IT 機器を触らない日。

Used calories 1345 Kcal (by activity meter equipment)
Consumed calories 2579 Kcal (Alcohol 0 Kcal 0cc)

本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1345 Kcal
本日の摂取カロリー:2579 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0Kcal)

