March 23, 2015 Fried eggs, Bread with Cheese. Simmered Chicken ramen (Japanese taste). Vinegared Sardine

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No take a hypnotic tab 睡眠薬は摂らない
2257, Go to bed この頃床に入る。

"Total sleeping time" is 7h49m is an average, "Deep" 17% is a few from average by amount of activity meter equipment.
「合計睡眠時間」は 7h49m で通常。「深い」は 17% でやや少ない(活動量計による)。

0713, Wake-up, blood pressure 134/92-56 blood pressure is hight and re rap cuff 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す
0714, blood pressure 123/79-55, 125/83-55, 128/82-55


0900, BF. Fried eggs, Bread with Cheese. Coffee. Marinated Onion with Perilla oil and vinegar dressing. Yogurt with Marmalade. 870Kcal

1513, Lunch. Simmered Chicken ramen (Japanese taste). Mapo tofu. 1000Kcal

2124, Dinner. Rice 200g. Miso soup of Enoki dake (velvet shank). Vinegared Sardine. Chicken and celery chive stir-frying. Hijiki. 770Kcal
夕食。ご飯 200g。えのき茸のみそ汁。鰯の酢漬け。鶏とセロリの炒め物。ヒジキ。770Kcal

2131, Tranquilizer. 服用薬(安定剤)。

2225-2315, Foot care by machine with reading. 本を読みながらフットケア(機械)

No take a hypnotic tab 睡眠薬は摂らない
2326, Go to bed. この頃床に入る。
2417, Difficult to sleep and took hypnotic tabs. 眠れなくて睡眠薬を2錠摂る。
2430, Went to sleep この頃寝た。


"Total sleeping time" is 7h49m is an average, "Deep" 17% is a few from average by amount of activity meter equipment.
「合計睡眠時間」は 7h49m で通常。「深い」は 17% でやや少ない(活動量計による)。

0713, Wake-up, blood pressure 134/92-56 blood pressure is hight and re rap cuff 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す
0714, blood pressure 123/79-55, 125/83-55, 128/82-55

Used calories 1352 Kcal (by activity meter equipment)
Consumed calories 2640 Kcal (Alcohol 0 Kcal 0cc)

