march 29, 2015 Tsukimi (raw egg) udon. Fried noodle. Kitsune ( = Fox = Age) udon

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2305, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.

「合計睡眠時間」は 7h18m でやや短い。「深い」は 32% で多い(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 7h18m is a little short, "Deep" 32% is a lot from average by amount of activity meter equipment.

0631, Wake-up, blood pressure 137/91-53, 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す. Blood pressure is high and re rap cuff.
0631, blood pressure 129/86-55, 122/83-50, 118/81-49

0704, 朝食。月見うどん。納豆。たまねぎのマリネに荏胡麻油のドレッシング。ヨーグルトにマーマレード。720 Kcal
BF. Tsukimi (raw egg) udon. Natto. Marinated Onion with Perilla oil and vinegar dressing. Yogurt and Marmalade. 720Kcal

1311, 昼食。焼きそば。ヨーグルト。サラダ。1290Kcal
Lunch. Fried noodle. Yogurt. Salad. 1290Kcal

1350-1410, 昼寝 Nap

2029, 夕食。きつねうどん(大)。かしわ天、ちくわ天。1100Kcalくらい
Dinner. Kitsune ( = Fox = Age) udon. Kashiwa ten, Chikuwa ten (Tenpura of Chicken and Fish sausage). 1100Kcal

2116, 服用薬(安定剤)。Tranquilizer.

2228-2303, 本を読みながらフットケア(機械)Foot care by machine with reading.

睡眠薬は摂らない No take hypnotic.
2315, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.


「合計睡眠時間」は 7h18m でやや短い。「深い」は 32% で多い(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 7h18m is a little short, "Deep" 32% is a lot from average by amount of activity meter equipment.

0631, Wake-up, blood pressure 137/91-53, 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す. Blood pressure is high and re rap cuff.
0631, blood pressure 129/86-55, 122/83-50, 118/81-49

Used calories 1412 Kcal (by activity meter equipment)
Consumed calories 3110 Kcal (Alcohol 0 Kcal 0cc)


