April 14, 2015 Udon with a Boiled egg. Moyashi soba ( Beans sprout noodle). Samma no nimono (Simmered brevoort).

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2330, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.

「合計睡眠時間」は 7h59m で通常。「深い」は 28% でやや多い(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 7h59m is an average, "Deep" 28% is a little lot from average by amount of activity meter equipment.

Blood pressure, Weather and ambient temperature, Physical and Spirits conditions, appetite in morning :

0756, 131/95-65, 140/99-63, 134/91-61 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す Brood pressure is hight, Re rap cuff.
122/84-57, 117/82-59, 122/81-59
 血圧は通常。Blood pressure is normal.
 天候は雨でやや寒い。体調気分は通常。食欲あり。Rainiy and little cold. Physical and Spirits conditions are normal. Have a appetite.


0858, 朝食。うどんにゆで卵。納豆。たまねぎのマリネにオリーブ油。ヨーグルトにシナモンシュガー。700Kcal
BF. Udon with a Boiled egg. Natto. Marinated Onion with Olive oil and vinegar dressing. Yogurt and Cinnamon sugar. 700Kcal

0945 - 1320, job

1347, 昼食。もやしソバ。帆立の卵焼き中華風。サラダにごま油のドレッシング。胡椒。800Kcal
Lunch. Moyashi soba ( Beans sprout noodle). Fried eggs with great scallop. Salad with Sesame oil dressing. 800Kcal

1410 - 2010, 仕事 job

150414dinner1.jpg 150414dinner2.jpg
2034, 夕食。ご飯 200g。ブナしめじのみそ汁。冷奴。秋刀魚の煮物。小松菜の胡麻和え。ヨーグルト( 2 杯)。ナッツ、チョコレート。1200Kcal
Dinner. Rice 200g. Miso soup of Buna shimeji (Brown beech mushroom). Cold tofu. Samma no nimono (Simmered brevoort). Komatsuna no Goma ae (a kind of Chinese cabbage with sesame dressing). Yogurt ( 2 grasses). Nuts, Chocolate. 1200Kcal

2058, 服用薬(安定剤) Tranquilizer.

2100, 仕事 job
2230, 仕事終わり end job

睡眠薬は摂らない。No hypnotic
2310, この頃床に入る。何となくお腹が痛いが寝る。Go to bed. Feel abdominal pain but tried to sleep.
活動量計を切り替えるのを忘れて寝入る。Gorgot to change mode amount of activity meter equipment.

未明, お腹が痛くなってお手洗い。Got up once by abdominal pain and went wash room.

2524, 再度寝る。Backed to sleep.


「合計睡眠時間」は 7h59m で通常。「深い」は 28% でやや多い(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 7h59m is an average, "Deep" 28% is a little lot from average by amount of activity meter equipment.

Blood pressure, Weather and ambient temperature, Physical and Spirits conditions, appetite in morning :

0756, 131/95-65, 140/99-63, 134/91-61 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す Brood pressure is hight, Re rap cuff.
122/84-57, 117/82-59, 122/81-59
 血圧は通常。Blood pressure is normal.
 天候は雨でやや寒い。体調気分は通常。食欲あり。Rainiy and little cold. Physical and Spirits conditions are normal. Have a appetite.

本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1331 Kcal。
本日の摂取カロリー:2700 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0Kcal)

Used calories 1331 Kcal (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories 2700 Kcal (Alcohol 0 Kcal 0cc).

