April 2, 2015 Rice, Ume boshi (pickled plum). Malaysian curry. Vinegared Sardine. Today is holiday and consider about my life.

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2400, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.

Could not measuring because forgot to changed mode "active" to "sleep" about amount of activity meter equipment.

0609, Wake-up, blood pressure 122/77-52, 118/81-48, 117/78-52
今日は休みで IT 機器を触らない日。
Today is holiday and not touch IT goods day.


0712, 朝食。ご飯 200g、梅干し。ブナしめじのみそ汁。納豆。蒲鉾。ヨーグルトにぶどう。710Kcal
BF. Rice 200g, Ume boshi (pickled plum). Miso soup of Buna shimeji (Brown beech mushroom). Natto. Kamaboko (Fish minced and steamed). Yogurt and Grapes. 710Kcal

150402lunch1.jpg 150402lunch2.jpg
1355, 昼食。アボカドにオリーブ油。たまねぎのマリネ。マレーシア風のチキンカレー。ラッシー。1050Kcal
Lunch. Avocado with Olive oil, Mini tomato. Marinated Onion. Malaysian curry with rice. Lassi. 1050Kcal

Consider about my life.

2039, 夕食。ご飯 200g。ブナしめじのみそ汁。冷奴。鰯の酢漬け。小松菜のおひたし。750Kcal
Dinner. Rice 200g. Miso soup of Buna shimeji (Brown beech mushroom). Cold tofu. Vinegared Sardine. Komatsuna no ohitasi (Boiled Chinese cabbage). 750Kcal

2055, 服用薬(安定剤) Tranquilizer.

2108-2138, 読書をしながらフットケア(機械)
Foot care by machine with reading.

睡眠薬は摂らない No hypnotic.
2301, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.


Could not measuring because forgot to changed mode "active" to "sleep" about amount of activity meter equipment.

0609, Wake-up, blood pressure 122/77-52, 118/81-48, 117/78-52
今日は休みで IT 機器を触らない日。
Today is holiday and not touch IT goods day.

本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1348 Kcal
Used calories 1348 Kcal (by activity meter equipment).

本日の摂取カロリー:2510 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0Kcal)
Consumed calories 2510 Kcal (Alcohol 0 Kcal 0cc).

Today is holiday and consider about my life.


