April 4, 2015 Rice, Natto, Egg sunny-side up, Hijiki. Boiled eggs. Tan tan men noodle

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2302, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.

「合計睡眠時間」は 6h44m で短い。「深い」は 32% で多い(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 6h44m is a short, "Deep" 32% is a lot from an average by amount of activity meter equipment.

0606, Wake-up, blood pressure 116/81-54, 120/80-54, 120/85-53

0639, 朝食。ご飯 200g、納豆、チンした目玉焼き、ヒジキ。ぶなしめじのみそ汁。小松菜のおひたし。ヨーグルト。730Kcal
BF. Rice 200g, Natto, Egg sunny-side up by microwave, Hijiki. Miso soup of Buna shimeji (Brown beech mushroom). Komatsuna no ohitasi (Boiled Chinese cabbage). Yogurt. 730Kcal

1442, 昼食。パン。ヨーグルト。キャベツの浅漬け。マヨネーズ。ゆで卵 2 。チーズ。チョコレート。1300Kcal
Lunch. Bread. Yogurt. Light pickles of Cabbage. Mayonnaise. Boiled eggs. Cheese. Chocolate. 1300Kcal

1530-1545, 昼寝 Napping

2040, 夕食。担々麺。海老棒餃子。1100Kcal 位
Dinner. Tan tan men noodle. Shrimp stick Gyoza (Jiaozi). 1100Kcal

2127, 服用薬(安定剤)。Tranquilizer.
2237-2257, 本を読みながらフットケア(機械)Foot care by machine with reading.
2304, 睡眠薬2錠。Hypnotic 2tabs
2310, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.


「合計睡眠時間」は 6h44m で短い。「深い」は 32% で多い(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 6h44m is a short, "Deep" 32% is a lot from an average by amount of activity meter equipment.

0606, Wake-up, blood pressure 116/81-54, 120/80-54, 120/85-53

Used calories 1421 Kcal (by activity meter equipment).

Consumed calories 3130 Kcal (Alcohol 0 Kcal 0cc).


