2329, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.
Difficult to sleep.
2529, 睡眠薬 Hypnotic
2600, この頃寝た。
「合計睡眠時間」は 6h39m で短い。「深い」は 21% で通常(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 6h39m is a short, "Deep" 21% is an average by amount of activity meter equipment.
0640, Wake-up, blood pressure 129/83-55, 131/88-55, 134/89-55 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す。Re-rap cuff.
Blood pressure is a little bit high.
0831, 朝食。ご飯 200g、納豆。えのき茸のみそ汁。キャベツの浅漬け。鰯の味噌煮缶。ヨーグルトにぶどう。850Kcal
BF. Rice 200g, Natto. Miso soup of Enoki dake (velvet shank). Light pickles of Cabbage. Canned Sardine. Yogurt. 850Kcal
1354, 昼食。チキンカレーマレーシア風にアボカド。たまねぎのマリネにオリーブ油。ヨーグルトにシナモンシュガー。1000Kcal
Lunch. Chicken curry Malaysian style with Avocado. Marinated Onion with Olive oil and vinegar dressing. Yogurt with Cinnamon sugar. 1000Kcal
1935, 夕食。チキンソテー柚子胡椒風味。スープ。パン。サラダにマヨネーズ。1200Kcal
Dinner. Chicken sauté Yudu Koshou taste ( Yudu pepper taste). Soup. Bread. Salad with Mayonnaise. 1200Kcal
2130-2200, 本を読みながらフットケア(機械)Foot care by machine with reading.
2011, 服用薬(安定剤)Tranquilizer.
2208 睡眠薬 Hypnotic.
2334, この頃床に入る。Go to bed.
「合計睡眠時間」は 6h39m で短い。「深い」は 21% で通常(活動量計による)。
"Total sleeping time" is 6h39m is a short, "Deep" 21% is an average by amount of activity meter equipment.
0640, Wake-up, blood pressure 129/83-55, 131/88-55, 134/89-55 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す。Re-rap cuff.
Blood pressure is a little bit high.
Used calories 1332 Kcal (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories 1920 Kcal (Alcohol 0 Kcal 0cc).