May 13, 2015 Udon with Dried and combed kelp. Sandwich. Tataki of Bonito with Ponzu sauce.

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服用薬は摂らない Fukuyou yaku wa toranai. No take medicine tabs.
2355, この頃床に入る。Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.
風と雨の音でなかなか寝付けない。Kaze to Ame no too de nakanaka netsukenai. Difficult to sleep by sound noise of rain and wind.

「合計睡眠時間」は 7h40m で通常。「深い」は 13% で少い(活動量計による)。
"Goukei suimin jikan wa nana jikan yonju ppun de tuujou. "Fukai" wa 13% de sukunai (katsudouryou kei ni yoru).
"Total sleeping time" is 7h40m is an average, "Deep" 13% is a few from an average by amount of activity meter equipment.

Kisyou ji no Ketuatsu, Tenki to Kion, Taichou ya Kibun, Tyou syoku ni kanshite :
Blood pressure, Weather and ambient temperature, Physical and Spirits conditions, appetite in morning :

0802, 144/89-63, 血圧が高いのでカフを巻き直す。ketuatsu ga takai node kafu wo makinaosu. Re rap cuff because blood pressure is high.
134/95-62, 129/92-57, 134/96-59
Ketsuatsu wa takai. Tenkou wa hare de atatakai. Taichou kibun wa tuuujou. Syokuyoku wa tuujou.
Blood pressure is a high. Fine and worm morning. Physical and Spirit conditions are normal. Have a appetite.

0926, 朝食。とろろ昆布のうどん。秋刀魚の煮物。納豆。サラダにオリーブ油のドレッシング。750Kcal
Chosyoku. Tororo konbu no udon. Samma no nimono. Natto. Salad ni Olive yu no dressing.
BF. Udon with Dried and combed kelp. Samma no nimono (Simmered brevoort). Natto. Salad with olive oil dressing.

家事 Kaji Domestic job
洗濯物を畳む Sentakumono wo tatamu. Fold the laundry.
家の西半分の拭き掃除 Ie no nishi hanbun no fuki souji. Wipe down at west half of home.

1030, 仕事 Shigoto Job
1545, 仕事終わり Shigoto owari, End job

1546, 昼食。サンドイッチ。ヨーグルト。520Kcal
Chuusyoku. Sandwich. Yogurt.
Lunch. Sandwich. Yogurt.

1600, 仕事 Shigoto, job
1930, 仕事終わり。 Shigoto owari, End job

1950, 夕食。ご飯 200g。滑子のみそ汁。小松菜の胡麻和え。鰹のタタキをポン酢で。冷奴。900Kcal くらい
Yuusyoku. Gohan nihyaku guramu. Nameko no miso shiru. Komatsuna no goma ae. Katsuo no tataki wo ponzu de. Hiya yakko.
Dinner. Rice 200g. Nameko mushroom miso soup. Tataki of Bonito with Ponzu sauce. Cold tofu.

服用薬は摂らない Fukuyou yaku wa toranai. No take medicine tabs.
ネット、読書 Net, Dokusyo, Net Reading
2217-2237, 読書をしながらフットケア Dokusyo wo sinagara foot cere. Foot care with reading.
2353, この頃床に入る。Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.


本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1330 Kcal。
本日の摂取カロリー:2170 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0Kcal)

Honjitsu no syouhi calorie.
Honjitsu no sessyu calorie.

Used calories (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories (Alcohol # Kcal #cc).


