June 21, 2015 Fried eggs. Ramen. Chicken curry rice

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2406, この頃床に入る Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.
なかなか寝付けない。Nakanaka netsukenai. Have difficulty sleeping.

起床時の血圧、kisyouji no ketuatu. Brood pressure when wake up :
0828, 132/98-53, 136/98-55, 142/96-54,

0847, BCAA 5g. 20Kcal

0950, 朝食。目玉焼き。パン。玉ねぎのマリネに亜麻仁油のドレッシング。ヨーグルト。チョコレートとナッツ。750Kcal
Chousyoku. Medama yaki. Pan. Tamanegi no marine ni amani yu no dressing. Yogurt. Chocolate ni Nuts.
BF. Fried eggs. Breads. Marinated Onion with Perilla oil and vinegar dressing. Yogurt. Chocolate and Nuts.

1417, 昼食。ラーメン。マーボ豆腐。800Kcal
Chuusyoku. Ramen. Mapo tofu.
Lunch. Ramen. Mapo tofu.

昼寝 Hirune napping

1931, 夕食。チキンカレーライス。サラダにドレッシング。ヨーグルト。プロテイン粉末 20g(写真外)。930Kcal
Yuusyoku. Chicken curry rice. Salad ni dressing. Yogurt. Protein powder.
Dinner. Chicken curry rice. Salad with dressing. Yogurt. Protein powder.

2237, Glycine 5g. 20Kcal

2445, この頃床に入るKonokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.
なかなか寝付けない。Nakanaka netsukenai. Have difficulty sleeping.


本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1329 Kcal。
本日の摂取カロリー:2500 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0 Kcal)

Honjitsu no syouhi calorie.
Honjitsu no sessyu calorie.

Used calories (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories (Alcohol Kcal ).  

