June 22, 2015 Avocado with Olive oil. Chicken gizzard stir-frying.

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2445, この頃床に入る Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.
なかなか寝付けない。Nakanaka netsukenai. Have difficulty sleeping.

起起床時の血圧、kisyouji no ketuatu. Brood pressure when wake up :
0800, 136/96-50, 131/89-47, 135/99-50, 134/92-48,

1153, BCAA 5g. 20Kcal

1218, 昼食。ご飯200g、納豆。もやしのすまし汁。目玉焼き。アボカドにオリーブ油。玉ねぎのマリネ。950Kcal
Chuusyoku. Gohan 200g, Natto. Moyashi no Miso shiru. Medama yaki. Avocado ni Olive yu. Tamanegi no marine.
Lunch. Rice 200g, Natto. Miso soup of Bean sprout. Fried eggs. Avocado with Olive oil. Marinated Onion.

1656, おやつ。カフェオレ。175Kcal
Oyatsu. Snack. Cafe au lait.

150622dinner1.jpg 150622dinner2.jpg
1919, 夕食。砂肝の炒め物。冷奴。味噌ラーメン。900Kcal
Yuusyoku. Sunagimo no itamemono. Hiya yakko. Miso ramen.
Dinner. Chicken gizzard stir-frying with salt and pepper taste. Cold tofu. Miso Ramen.

2551, この頃床に入る。Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.

本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1327 Kcal。
本日の摂取カロリー:2045 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0 Kcal)

Honjitsu no syouhi calorie.
Honjitsu no sessyu calorie.

Used calories (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories (Alcohol Kcal ).


