July 13, 2015 Picked Mackerel in Miso.

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2500, この頃床に入る。Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.
なかなか寝付けない。Nakanaka netsukenai. Have difficulty sleeping.

起床時の血圧、kisyouji no ketuatu. Brood pressure when wake up :
1059, 118/80-59, 119/87-62, 122/86-68,

1118, BCAA 5g. 20Kcal

1137, 朝食。ご飯 100g、納豆。なめこの味噌汁。かまぼこ。玉ねぎのマリネにオリーブ油のドレッシング。ヨーグルト。プロテイン粉末 30g。700Kcal
Chuusyoku. Gohan 100 grum, Natto. Nameko no miso shiru. Kama boko. Tamanegi no marine ni olive yu no dressing. Yogurt. Protein hunmatsu.
BF. Rice 100g, Natto. Miso soup of Nameko mushroom. Kamaboko (Fish minced and steamed). Marinated Onion with Olive oil and vinegar dressing. Protein powder.

150713dinner1.jpg 150713dinner2.jpg
2029, 夕食。サラダ。冷奴。ご飯 100g。ぶなしめじの味噌汁。鯖の味噌漬けを焼いたもの。ひじき。850Kcal
Yuusyoku. Salad. Hiya yakko. Gohan 100 grum. Buna shimeji no miso shiru. Saba no misoduke wo yaitamono. Hijiki.
Dinner. Salad. Cold tofu. Rice 100g. Miso soup of Buna shimeji (Brown beech mushroom). Picked Mackerel in Miso. Hijiki.

2530, この頃床に入る。Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.
暑くてなかなか寝付けない。Astute nakanaka netsukenai. Have difficulty sleeping by hot.
2730, 扇風機をつける。寝るときにつけるのは今シーズン初。Senpuuki wo tussore. Neru took ni tussore noha kon season hatsu. Turn of fan, it is 1st time in this summer.
やがて寝た。Yagate neta. Then sleep


本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1323 Kcal。
本日の摂取カロリー:1570 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0 Kcal)

Honjitsu no syouhi calorie.
Honjitsu no sessyu calorie. (uchi alcohol inryou)

Used calories (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories (Alcohol Kcal ).  
