July 8, 2015 Stay fryer of Liver and Chives.

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2638, 床に入る。Toko ni hairu. Go to bed.
なかなか寝付けない。Nakanaka netsukenai. Have difficulty sleeping.

起床時の血圧、kisyouji no ketuatu. Brood pressure when wake up :
1129, 119/80-49, 120/83-52, 120/85-53,

1152, BCAA 5g. 20Kcal

1410, 昼食。ご飯 100g。なめこの味噌汁。レバニラ炒め。キャベツの浅漬け。710Kcal
Chuusyoku. Gohan 100 gram. Nameko no misoshiru. Liver Nira itame. Kyabetsu no asaduke.
Lunch. Rice 100g. Miso soup of Nameko. Stay fryer of Liver and Chives. Light pickles of Cabbage.

150708dinner1.jpg 150708dinner2.jpg
2010, 夕食。湯豆腐。サラダにオリーブ油のドレッシング。ご飯 100g。なめこの味噌汁。イワシの酢漬け。小松菜の胡麻和え。650Kcal
Yuusyoku. Yu dofu. Salad ni Olive yu no dressing. Gohan 100 grum. Nameko no misoshiru. Iwashi no suduke. Komatsuna no goma ae.
Dinner. Hot tofu. Salad with olive oil dressing. Rice 100g. Miso soup of Nameko. Vinegared Sardine. A kind of Chinese cabbage with sesame dressing.

2204, 夜食。オレンジ。ヨーグルト。餅菓子。プロテイン粉末 30g(写真外)。350Kcal
Yashoku. Orange. yogurt. Mochi kashi. Protein hunmatsu 30g ( syasin gai).
Night supper. Orange. Yogurt. Japanese Mochi snack. Protein powder ( not pict).

2624, 睡眠薬 2 錠。Hypnotic 2 tabs.
2643, 床に入る。Toko ni hairu. Go to bed.

本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):1328 Kcal。
本日の摂取カロリー:1730 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0 Kcal)

Honjitsu no syouhi calorie.
Honjitsu no sessyu calorie. (uchi alcohol inryou)

Used calories (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories (Alcohol Kcal ).
