Oct 16, 2015 Ome-Rice (Thin Omelette covered Ketch-upped rice)

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2415, この頃床に入る。Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.

起床時の血圧、kisyouji no ketuatu. Brood pressure when wake up :
0616, 128/93-55, 131/92-53, 125/94-53,

0638, 朝食。バナナ。ゆで卵。玉ねぎのマリネに亜麻仁油のドレッシング。コーヒー。ヨーグルト。プロテイン粉末 30g(写真外)。670Kcal
Chousyoku. Banana. Yude tamago. Tamanegi no marine ni Amaniyu no dressing. Coffee. Yogurt. Protein funmatsu (syashin gai).
BF. 2 Bananas. 2 Boiled eggs. Marinated Onion with Linseed oil dressing. Coffee. Yogurt. Protein powder 30g (No pict).

1212, 昼食。オムライス。1100Kcal くらい
Chuusyoku. Omu-Rice.
Lunch. Omu-Rice (Thin Omelette covered Ketch-upped rice)

1900, 夕食。ご飯 200g。ブナシメジのスープ。チキンカレー。チキン手羽元のトマト煮。玉ねぎのマリネに亜麻仁油のドレッシング。1120Kcal
Yuusyoku. Gohan 200 gram. Bona shimeji no soup. Chicken curry. Chicken tebamoto no Tomato ni. Tamanegi no marine ni Amaniyu no dressing.
Dinner. Rice 200g. Soup of Brown beech mushroom. Chicken curry. Chicken wing simmered with tomato. Marinated Onion with Linseed oil dressing.

1923, 痛み止め、胃薬の服用(肩向け)。Tabs for shoulder pain.
2330, この頃床に入る。Konokoro toko ni hairu. Go to bed.


本日の消費カロリー(活動量計による):## Kcal。
本日の摂取カロリー:2890 Kcal(うち、アルコール飲料 0 Kcal)

Honjitsu no syouhi calorie.
Honjitsu no sessyu calorie. (uchi alcohol inryou)

Used calories (by activity meter equipment).
Consumed calories (Alcohol Kcal ).
